Academic Coaching Vs Tutoring: Why Words Matter For Student-Athletes

The words we use can have a significant impact on how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. This is especially true for student-athletes who are already under immense pressure to excel both academically and athletically. While many student-athletes may need additional academic support, the word "tutoring" can carry a negative connotation that implies a lack of intelligence or ability. This is where academic coaching comes in.

Academic coaching is a form of personalized support that goes beyond traditional tutoring. It involves working with a trained professional who can help student-athletes identify their strengths and weaknesses, set achievable goals, and develop strategies for success. Unlike tutoring, academic coaching focuses on the whole student, taking into account their unique needs and learning style.

One of the main reasons why academic coaching is a more positive term for student-athletes is that it aligns with their sports culture. Athletes take their cues from coaches, who are seen as mentors, role models, and leaders. In contrast, the word "tutor" implies a more passive relationship where the student is the receiver of knowledge and the tutor is the giver. This can make student-athletes feel like they are being lectured or talked down to, which can be demotivating.

Additionally, academic coaching emphasizes the importance of self-improvement and growth mindset. Student-athletes who work with an academic coach learn how to set realistic goals, develop positive habits, and manage their time effectively. They are encouraged to see their academic struggles as opportunities for growth and development, rather than as a reflection of their intelligence or ability.

Another advantage of academic coaching is that it can help student-athletes develop life skills that will serve them well beyond their academic and athletic careers. These skills include communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. By focusing on the whole student, academic coaching can help student-athletes become more confident and resilient individuals who are better equipped to navigate the challenges of life.

In summary, academic coaching is a more positive and effective way to support student-athletes than traditional tutoring. By using language that aligns with the sports culture, academic coaching can help student-athletes feel more motivated and empowered to take control of their academic success. It also emphasizes the importance of growth mindset and the development of life skills, which are essential for long-term success.

If you or your student-athlete is looking for academic tutoring, or Academic Coaching as we call it here at Swoon Learning, visit our Academic Coaching for Student-Athletes program page to learn more, or get started with a free discovery meeting, and be on the path to academic and athlete performance improvement.


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Carla B.

Carla began tutoring her daughter in middle school because she was afraid of math. Carla wanted to build her daughter's confidence and show her that math could be a valuable tool. She quickly realized that this was a valuable lesson that other students needed to learn, so she began tutoring student-athletes.

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